Journos are glass half-empty type of guys, but I recently realized, talking to my non-journo friends, that I am not alone in thinking that things are not what they used…
Lee has a much smaller pool of people for his designated hitter for the next election.
Past twelve months have revealed much more about who he actually is as a politician. And it’s not good.
Lax regulations and the lack of scrutiny have made the South Korean financial market a hotbed for fraud and corruption.
Jeonse is still considered one of the first rungs for working-class citizens to climb the ladder of South Korean asset-based welfare.
Moon, even after his failure to sustain Minjoo’s hold on power, is still the only pivotal figure around which Minjoo politicians can gather.
– Why didn’t President Yoon meet Pelosi? – Politicians can do little about South Korea’s posture toward China – The new wave of technocrats emerges as Yoon reshuffles his office
– Minjoo’s traditional support base falling apart – After election: schisms in losers and winners alike – Why Moon recommended a China apologist book to the public
– What happened last week? – Is this about jarring factions within the party? – How big a help Park was to Minjoo? – How will she fare after election?